Recipes for #SandMapping

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

1. Take a plastic bottle, a rope and sand.
– take a 1,5 liter plastic bottle, and drink or pour out its contents
– dry the bottle in a warm space (or use some dry sand to dry its inside)
– drill a hole in the lid of about 5-8 mm and close off with a piece of tape
– knot or tape a rope to the bottle so that one part of the rope is 3-8 meters and one part is 1 metre
– dry and sieve regular sand (or buy ready to go (dried and sieved) sand at the pet shop; as used in bird cages)
– fill the bottle with sand for about 2/3
2. Create a #SandMapping
– go anywhere in the open air. This would best be public space, but you can also decide otherwise
– find a pole (or leg) and connect the long part of you rope, so that it slips
– draw your circle. (keep your rope tight, keep the bottle to the ground.)
– take a picture or make a movie clip
3. Post your photo or movie on your own favorite social media
– this could be twitter, flickr, youtube, or any other social medium.
4. Add the tag #SandMapping
-Your circle will now immediately be part of the world-wide art-network of #SandMapping.


Take your time to dry the sand…
(you can also do this with smaller amounts)


Did you already see this tag on the streets and want to do it yourself?

#SandMapping tag

It actually is made of sand too. With a template. No paint! Ok, it will wash away, but so will the #SandMapping circle itself, so that’s ok.

The template for this one is made with a lasercutter, but a simple paper cut knife will do the job as well:


To make it easy: Here is the tag. Click on it, click on it again to enlarge it and ctrl-click, command click or right mouse click to copy the file or to save it to your harddisk. You should print it as large as A3 (twice as big as A4), so you probably have to print it in two separate runs and then glue it together. Cutting it out will take about 15 minutes. Don’t worry if it’s not to precise, the sand you’re using to make a print is not to precise either.


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